Spokane was an interesting place. Sprawled out city in, seemingly desert like in parts, with lots of trees in others and a roaring waterfall running right through the center. There are definitely some spots worth seeing there. Tom Sawyer coffee was beautifully located just outside the city on his ranch. Waverly’s was close by, also on a really pretty country property. And 4 seasons was on the edge of the city in a warehousey sort of district.

We went out to lunch at some sandwich spot called Stella’s. The had all kinds of good beer on tab and creative sandwiches. I had the Steak sammy which was impressive to say the least. They were located right on the side of the waterfall with a great patio overlooking. Quite the enjoyable lunch spot.

All in all we had a good day in Spokane, though toward the end of the day I started to have a rough time. I drank something like 11 cups of coffee between the 3 roasters and a cafe called Coer, all within a few hours. After a mild panic attack we were able to get back on the road and head to Missoula to kick off the Great Old West stretch of the trip. Back country, Here we come!

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